
Tips for the home owners whose house will become a film location
Remember – the film industry needs locations to make films and commercials. The film industry wants to keep a good location so they can come back again. The crew want to leave your location looking as good or better than when they arrived.
But we must confess – having a film crew in your home can be intrusive. The crew plus talent and extras can sometimes mean up to 20 people may enter your home.
After welcoming the location manager or the producer who is first on site, we recommend perhaps taking a day at the beach and return when it’s all over. But of course, if you wish to stay home / work from home then that’s fine too.
Here’s some tips to help everyone on the day….
Please move your cars out and well down the road. Clear the garage. We like to use your garage for catering and storage and keep food and drinks (except bottled water) out of the house. If we over cater on the day, we may offer you the leftovers. Have some containers ready.
Clear your driveway. We may need to park a large van (Grips or Gaffer) in your driveway. Or the driveway may be part of the film shoot.
We would prefer if pets and children had the day away from the house. If we’re recording sound we need to eliminate background noises.
Please stow away any precious belongings and items of glass, pottery etc. to protect them from harm.
Allocate a toilet that the crew may use on the ground floor. We will bring our own paper, soap, paper towel and a small bin. Please stow your own toiletries away.
Please declare any pre-existing damage like a small hole in the wall or known scuffs etc.
Declare any private rooms or no-go zones so the location manager can sign them appropriately.
Prior to the day we’ll deliver a letterbox drop to your neighbours but if you see the neighbours please prime everyone for what is about to occur. The on-street parking will be affected, and your neighbours may lose their favourite car parks for the day.
In some cases, if the budget has allowed for a location manager, the location manager will cover the floors with mats and cover your furniture with sheets or blankets to reduce the possibility of unwanted marks.
Always check the house at the end of the film shoot to look for anything that’s out of place or not to your liking. Contact the location manager to discuss any issues.
Finally,… Enjoy the experience. Share the stories.